Imagine, if you will, that you begin every day surrounded by precious newborn babies and overjoyed, proud new parents. Picture lots of smiling, kissing, and cuddling going on.
Pretty neat work environment, wouldn’t you say? You’ll never experience more tears of joy in any other place than this. Your days begin by witnessing the miracle of life.
What could possibly be better than that?
It’s been almost three decades and you’ve become an invaluable member of this team, admired and appreciated by everyone. Could you ever find it easy to walk away?
To look a little closer at this, let’s back up for just a moment.
You’ve met most of these happy new parents earlier on in the prenatal classes you teach at night. They’ve spent five weeks getting to know you, like you, and trust you. A wonderful bond has formed and they can’t wait to see you again after their baby is born. They’re anticipating and counting on your help.
I’m sure you’ve read about many small business owners who have gleefully walked away from offices all over the corporate world to design a life for themselves. You’ve probably also heard about car salesmen, bank executives, and real estate experts who have done the same.
These are people who have stomached enough of the rat race, the commute, and the “work-to-make-the-employer-rich” scenarios.
These people are following their passion.
And that’s exactly what I’m doing right now, but the transition will be agonizing. There’s no other tactful way to say it.
I love my work! But it’s been a labor of love and the kind of work that’s demanding of my days and nights. It’s kept me firmly stuck in a financial bind of living paycheck to paycheck for many, many years.
One thing I know for sure. I can’t cut myself in half – cut my devotion in half – and keep my day job and follow my passion at the same time. Neither would get the attention it deserves.
Will you send a little blessing my way and wish me luck as I make this glorious (and difficult) transition? While you’re at it, feel free to give me a big “push”! 🙂