Even though volumes of information has been published and shared about social media marketing, are you still wondering “why” you should have a presence on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn?
And more importantly …
Are you still a bit fuzzy about the core marketing strengths of the Big 3?
Today’s post is going to be concise (My thought is that you already have a PLENTIFUL collection of tips, reports, e-courses, and e-books about social media).
Who doesn’t?! Unless you’ve been residing under a cabbage leaf, your inbox and your hard drive is over-stuffed with social media basics and marketing strategies.
Maybe I should hold a contest to see who’s storing up the MOST social media stuff! Would you be the winner? 🙂
Marketing Strengths
- One of the fastest growing social networks
- Find people from every industry, age group, and demographic area
- Great way to brand yourself and your products and/or services
- Allows you to further relationships with prospects, customers, and potential customers or clients
- Ideal place to start if you are new to social media
- Fast and easy to use
- Search feature allows you to find, not only people, but you can also search by subject to find your target audience
- Can be used to drive traffic to your blog or website
- Twitter profile is the easiest to create
- Known for its use by professionals (business-to-business networking)
- Great place to demonstrate your expertise
- Join groups formed around specific ideas or industries (you can join up to 50 groups)
- Allows you to connect with people in your niche both in your geographical location and from all over the world
- Excellent venue for building your community and finding potential customers
Which list of strengths would best serve you and your online marketing business?
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