Well, believe me, you want it!
And more importantly, your blog needs it.
If you intend to build community and grow a network of loyal readers (that’s what you’re shooting for, right?), then you need to muster up as much moxie as you can.
Allow me to pique your curiosity by sharing a couple of hints. It’s a lot more fun than delivering up some boring old dictionary version.
Hint #1: Have you ever found yourself stuck on a blog looking high and low for the blog owner’s name? Searched every page, clicked every tab, and it’s nowhere to be found? That’s a blog without moxie.
Hint #2: Ever have to scroll WAY down to the bottom of the page to locate an opt-in box? That’s another blog minus moxie.
Hint #3: Had the desire to follow a blog owner on Twitter or Facebook and can’t find one blinking social media button anywhere? That’s a blog that’s seriously lacking moxie.
Right about now you’ve probably come up with your own definition.
But humor me and let me sprinkle around a few more hints.
Synonyms for moxie: Chops; Expertise; Know-how; Experience; Proficiency; Savvy; Skills
Here’s how to radiate moxie on your blog:
1. Make sure readers can find your name as soon as they land on your blog. If not, they’ll become suspicious and wonder why you’re hiding (or what you’re hiding).
2. Include a photo of yourself somewhere on your blog. At a minimum, have one on your “about me” page.
3. Clearly display social media icons or links to venues like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. You can’t expect people to patiently visit each network to hunt you down. Value people’s time and make it easy for them to connect with you away from your blog.
4. If you’re using an opt-in box as a means of subscribing to your posts or as a place to sign up for a freebie offer, place it where people can see it! Most copywriting experts will tell you to position it above the fold (from the middle to the top of the page). And be sure to have your opt-in box on EVERY page.
5. Include interesting or unique graphics with your posts. Statistics show that 90% of adults are visual learners and prefer to read posts with graphics versus those without.
6. Don’t use a teeny-weeny font or some super fancy, frilly font that no one’s eyes on earth can focus on. You want visitors to read your posts and come back for more, right? And I’m begging you not to use light-colored text on a black background. If people are squinting to read each word or all the text blends together and looks like oatmeal, you’ve just lost points in the loyal readership department.
7. Never, ever, ever use all capital letters or a gazillion exclamation marks in your posts. In either case, you’ll look like you’re screaming out your messages and no one appreciates a bullhorn in their face. If you want to stress a point – use italics, underlining, highlighting, or bold text instead.
Now that you know the importance of radiating moxie …
Is your blog in need of a mini makeover?